不良的理财习惯:不同世代的差异 & 如何永远打破它们



如果你和大多数人一样,你已经成功了 至少 在过去的一年里,你犯了一个令人不快的金钱错误——你想做得更好.1

In fact, most folks admit their finances have not gotten better over the past year. 至少有一半的人说 real 问题是他们在金钱上的错误已经变成了坏的理财习惯.1



每个人的情况都不一样. Still, generationally, many seem to share some of the same bad money habits, research shows.1


  • Gen Z 他们比其他任何一代人都更喜欢在网上收集压力. 他们也最有可能多付房租.
  • 千禧一代 也转向网上购物, with many pointing to late-night online shopping as their newer bad money habit. These folks also say that they’ve spent too much on rent and put too much money into cryptocurrency.
  • Gen X tend to say their biggest missteps with money are not saving enough for retirement and investing too much in crypto.
  • Boomers are more likely to buy with credit when they don’t have enough cash to back up those purchases.

关键是 每一个人 can make mistakes with money – and that if you’ve picked up some bad money habits recently, 你并不孤单.


今年,更好的理财选择和习惯是触手可及的! 开始改变永远不会太迟, no matter how many times you’ve tried to correct bad money habits in the past.

Here’s where to get started if you’re serious about kicking bad money habits and improving your financial life in 2024.

1. 没有储蓄目标

我们大多数人的储蓄都不够, and we know it because it’s the number one bad money habit self-identified across all generations.1

这里的部分问题首先是缺乏储蓄目标. Many of us aren’t taking the time to identify what we need to save or what it will take to get us there – and that’s making our savings goals elusive and intangible.

如何改掉坏的储蓄习惯对你的储蓄要慎重. 为储蓄设定一个目标, and think about how much money you need to set aside for different types of savings, 比如你的退休金和紧急储蓄基金. 如果你量化你的储蓄目标, 这样更容易掌握目标,更容易实现目标.

2. 不受控制的冲动消费

购物对任何人来说都是一场滑坡, 尤其是那些对我们的消费习惯没有任何限制的人.

That can mean impulse buys with planned purchases or shopping on the fly when you had no plans to buy in the first place. 对于年轻一代来说,这是可能的 really tempting with in-app purchases that take just a few clicks and don’t even really feel like actual money transactions.

然而,冲动消费发生了, 它会让你的钱包变成一个漏水的筛子, 耗尽了本可以用在其他地方的资金.

如何改掉坏的消费习惯: Set up some rules and checkpoints for yourself, so you’re not spending recklessly. This could mean making lists for in-store shopping, so you only buy what you plan to pick up. It can also involve ordering for pickup only, so you don’t go into stores at all. You may even consider deleting shopping apps from your phone or setting up a rule for yourself so that you wait 至少 one day before buying items that aren’t necessities.

3. 积累了大量的债务

现在你可以用分期付款和信用卡买到比以前多得多的东西. In fact, most major retailers offer their own layaway options, so you can buy now and pay later. 最重要的是, bigger purchases can often be financed with no interest plans for a certain period, 新的信贷额度往往伴随着高额的利率.

所有这些都很容易让你负债累累 very 很快——并且进入最低付款的心态. 与, 你最终可能会承担比你真正需要的更多的债务, and money that should go into your savings can end up going to interest payments and creditors, instead.

如何打破不良债务习惯总要试着支付超过最低限额的债务. 如果你在考虑借新的债, ask yourself if you can really afford the new expense and if you really need the item you’re considering buying. Also, 专注于零债务的心态, 所以你在积极偿还债务, 而不是寻求积累更多.

4. 支付不必要的费用

Paying money to use or access your money is another way we can throw away our hard-earned cash needlessly. 它可以以以下形式出现:

  • 网外ATM收费
  • 透支费
  • 交易费用
  • 转账和电汇费用
  • 滞纳金
  • 和更多的

在很多情况下, 我们收取这些费用只是因为我们赶时间, 我们不看细则, 或者我们只是没有注意到底线.

如何改掉收费的坏习惯仔细检查你的账户余额、付款到期日和银行费用. 在您转账之前, 从自动取款机里取钱, 或者以其他方式获取资金, 先检查一下细则. 如果你要花钱做这些事, 寻找免费的替代品, even if it means you have to switch banks or look for better deals on credit cards.


还记得, you don’t have to shake bad money habits on your own – and it can be challenging to recognize these mistakes without a little perspective on the situation. 这就是金融专业人士可以提供帮助的地方.

他们可以提供检查点, 的见解, and advice to help you identify the mistakes and habits that could be getting in the way of real progress. 这可以让你做出更谨慎的财务决定, 这样你就可以继续朝着你的宏观财务目标前进.



1. http://www.creditkarma.com/about/commentary/breaking-bad-financial-habits-in-the-new-year


This content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information provided is not written or intended as tax or legal advice and may not be relied on for purposes of avoiding any Federal tax penalties. Individuals are encouraged to seek advice from their own tax or legal counsel. Individuals involved in the estate planning process should work with an estate planning team, 包括他们自己的私人法律或税务顾问. Neither the information presented nor any opinion expressed constitutes a representation by us of a specific investment or the purchase or sale of any securities. Asset allocation and diversification do not ensure a profit or protect against loss in declining markets. This material was developed and produced by Advisor Websites to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. 版权所有2024 Advisor网站.