


抵押贷款利率已升至7%以上, leaving many buyers feeling like a reasonable mortgage is out of reach. While current rates look high compared to the ultra-low rates of the past decade, 从历史的角度来看,他们并不离谱. The good news is you likely have more leverage as a buyer than you may think. With both lenders and sellers eager to avoid losing deals in a slowing market, there is room to get creative in negotiating favorable mortgage terms.


Today's mortgage rates above 7% feel high compared to the ultra-low rates of 2-3% we enjoyed in 2020 and 2021. But looking back further, rates above 7% aren't unusual at all. In the 1990s, rates were commonly 8% or higher, even hitting 10% in 1990.1 So while 7% stings compared to recent years, it's not outrageous historically.

Lenders and sellers remember times when high rates were the norm. With today's rates, they are worried about losing business as buyers balk at the payments. This fear of losing deals gives you more leverage than you probably realize as a buyer. Sellers and lenders want to find ways to make the numbers work for you, 所以你可能会协商出比预期更好的条款.

3 Tips for Finding a Good Mortgage Deal When Rates Are High

When mortgage rates rise, savvy negotiating becomes critical to avoid overpaying. Here are 3 tips for getting the best possible mortgage deal when rates are high:

1. 总是货比三家为你的抵押贷款

It's common for real estate agents to recommend their preferred lender relationships. But rate quotes can still vary widely across lenders, even with identical borrower qualifications. Studies show that comparing at least 4 rate quotes could save over $1,000 per year in interest costs.2

快速比较利率相近的贷款, 看看年利率(APR), 哪一个会产生贷款费用. 如果两笔贷款的利率相同,但其中一笔的年利率更高, 它可能会有更高的费用和成交成本. 撒一个广泛的网与您的价格购物.

2. 要求贷款人减少或免除费用

一旦你确定了你的首选贷款人, take a close look at the loan estimates and fee breakdowns. Don't be afraid to negotiate - both with your existing relationships and when leveraging competitor offers.

Ask lenders to beat competitors' terms if you get written offers. See if relationship lenders can offer fee waivers or discounts. Even consider asking for future no-cost refinancing if rates fall down the road. Review all the options and numbers closely to negotiate the best deal.

3. 申请卖方信贷或利率买断

On the seller side, closing costs can be a major expense. Ask sellers to provide credits or pay closing costs as part of the offer negotiation.

You may even find some sellers or home builders willing to offer rate buydowns. This means the seller pays either temporarily or permanently to reduce your mortgage interest rate.

A temporary buydown lowers your rate for the first few years before it rebounds to the normal level. 差额由卖方在引进期内支付.

A permanent buydown permanently reduces your rate for the life of the loan, 卖方在交易结束时提前支付积分.

If rates fall in the future, a permanent buydown looks less attractive. But in the short run, seller subsidies can provide substantial savings.


如今的高抵押贷款利率令人痛苦. But take heart - you likely have more negotiating leverage than you expect in this market. Get creative, run the numbers, and negotiate the best possible deal.

A financial professional can help analyze your full financial picture as you navigate the home buying process. If you're thinking about buying a home soon and want to discuss options from an overall financial perspective, 请与我们联系.

The high rate environment requires a strategic approach, but the right deal is still possible.



1. http://www.thestreet.com/mortgages/historic-mortgage-rates-14849606

2. http://www.freddiemac.com/research/insight/20230216-when-rates-are-higher-borrowers-who-shop-around-save